Geography BA


Welcome to the Geography Program in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Arkansas (Fayetteville)

GEOS courses

Checklist of requirements for a Geography B.A. 

Checklist for a Geography minor

We hope that you find the information about programs and faculty to be informative. The Program has ten full-time faculty who are committed to high quality undergraduate and graduate instruction, as well as significant research contributions in the Geosciences. Through this page you will find a description of degree programs and course offerings; the faculty and their research interests and recent publications; teaching and research facilities; geographic resources; and student life of the department and university.


Geography Major

The regular geography major of 30 hours leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences. Requirements include GEOS 1123, 2003, GEOL 1131L and GEOS 1133. A minimum of 15 hours must be at the 3000 level or above, including GEOS 3023, with a balance between regional and topical courses.

The College Writing Requirement is to be met by completion of a term paper deemed satisfactory by the student's adviser and instructor of an upper-level geography course. The college writing requirement may also be met by the completion of an honors thesis. Students who expect to enter graduate school are encouraged to register for GEOS 410V their senior year. Electives in closely related fields are considered a part of the program and, upon prior approval of the Department, six hours may be counted toward the major. Those planning to teach in secondary schools should note that they can both earn their degree in geography and qualify for a teaching certificate; they should consult with the Department as early as possible.


Geography Minor

15 hours in geography to include GEOS 1123. At least 6 hours must be numbered 3000 or above and must include one regional and one topical course.


Minor in Historic Preservation

18 hours from each of the following:

* ARCH 1003, or both ARCH 1212 and 1222, or equivalent class in architecture
* GEOS 4063, or LARC 3413, or equivalent class in urban studies
* ANTH 4443, or equivalent class in cultural resources
* GEOS 1133, or equivalent class in the human and physical aspects of the Earth, GEOS 3033

GEOS 3033 Building Materials Field Studies and Laboratory is the required field and laboratory-based capstone course that will require two weekends (Saturday and Sunday) for completion.  The course has been specifically designed for this program and will discuss the nature of building materials (wood, brick, mortar and stone), their identification and properties, weathering and erosion theory, assessment and mitigation (i.e. cleaning, consolidants, innovative trends).  It is suggested that this class be taken last in the program series.

One semester participation in the University of Arkansas Rome Program will substitute for six (6) credits from class sections "a" (Architectural History) and "b" (Urban Studies) listed above.  A supplemental program internship is suggested in addition to the classes required if the student's career path is in Historic Preservation.


Minor in Cartography/Remote Sensing (CRS) Specialization

The program gives students an opportunity to develop expertise and credentials in: (1) cartography, map design and computer-assisted map production, (2) remote sensing and image interpretation, including photographic systems, sensor systems, and digital image processing, and 3) geographic information systems, including data sources, analytical techniques, and hardware/software systems.  To complete the specialization, a student is required to fulfill certain course requirements


Departmental Honors in Geography

Admission to the Departmental Honors Program in Geography is open to geography majors with a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in all their work. All honors candidates must take 12 hours, which may include 6 hours of thesis, in Honors Studies.  During the fall semester of either the junior or senior year the candidate will enroll in GEOS 399VH (no more than three hours of credit).  Successful completion of the requirements will be recognized by the award of the distinction "Geography Scholar Cum Laude" at graduation.  Higher degree distinctions are recommended only in truly exceptional cases and are based upon the whole of the candidate's program of honors studies.


Geography Social Studies Teacher Licensure

Please refer to the Secondary Education Requirements for Fulbright College Students.  Students wanting to teach social studies in middle school should consult with a middle level adviser in the College of Education and Health Professions.