Earth Science B.S.
Earth Science, as defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica, is comprised of the
"...fields of study concerned with the solid Earth, its waters, and the air that envelops it. Included are the geologic, hydrologic, and atmospheric sciences."
The Earth Science B.S. focuses on all of these realms of study within the context of many Earth systems and how they interact with human and ecological systems. Our curriculum connects environmental and climate science to action and management goals for sustainability, resilience, mitigation, and adaptation.
Students interested in the Earth Science B.S. major or who are already majors and have questions about elective courses connecting to career goals should contact the Earth Science Advisor, Dr. Kevin Befus.
For more information on the Earth Science B.S., please refer to the University of Arkansas Course Catalog Earth Science Overview, which also contains information on required courses.
Plan courses with the checklist for the Earth Science B.S. with required courses or students can use the degree audit on UA Connect.
All Earth Science majors must satisfy the senior-level writing requirement as specified by the Geosciences Department.
Course catalog of Geosciences courses