Previous Semesters

Prior Geosciences Colloquiums



Aug 23

Welcome to colloquium


Aug 30

Lori Shelton Pieniazek
Geologist at Spectral Evolution

Introduction to Field Portable NIR for Geological Remote Sensing


Sep 6

Andrew Moodie
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Texas A&M University

Leveraging natural delta land-building processes to support coastal landscape sustainability


Sep 13

Devon Orme
Associate Professor, Tectonics, Sedimentology & Stratigraphy Thermochronology, Montana State University

Initiation and early evolution of the Great Valley forearc basin, California


Sep 20

Haibing Di
Senior Data Scientist, Digital Subsurface Solutions

A deep learning workflow for stochastic seismic inversion


Sep 27

Eric Gilleland, Ph.D
Project Scientist II, NCAR

Beyond RMSE and correlation: Better ways to ascertain performance of atmospheric models


Oct 4

Glenn Sharman, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Geosciences, University of Arkansas

There and back again: A geologist's tale of a year in Aotearoa New Zealand


Oct 11

Larry B. Barber, Ph.D
Research Geochemist, U.S. Geological Survey, Boulder, Colorado

What’s in the Water? A Geological Perspective on Contamination of Aquatic Systems


Oct 18

Kathleen Surpless
Professor, Earth and Environmental Geosciences, Trinity University

The Galice and Mariposa Formations, California and Oregon: A Detrital Zircon Record of the Late Jurrassic Cordilleran Margin


Oct 25

Arkansas Geosciences Alumni Summit

Faculty and alumni tracing the past, present, and future of Geosciences Dept


Nov 1

David Criswell, PE
Senior Director of Active Transportation, Trailblazers NWA

Developing GIS Capacity at an Outdoor Organization


Nov 8


Song Feng, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Geosciences, University of Arkansas

Quantifying the climatic drivers of draught


Nov 15

David Stahle, Ph.D
Distinguished Professor, Geosciences, University of Arkansas

Dendrochronology:  Interesting Recent Developments


Nov 22

Ben Rostron, Ph.D
Professor Emeritus, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Albert

Lithium in brines (Duperow acquifer) in southeast Saskatchewan:  A modern-day gold  rush




Jan 26

Thomas Cullen
Assistant Professor of Paleobiology, Department of Geosciences, Auburn University

Testing hypotheses in dinosaur-dominated terrestrial ecosystems using geochemistry


Feb 2

Jeremy Maurer
Assistant Professor, Geological Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology

On the hunt for future earthquakes: Using geodetic strain rates to say where and how big future earthquakes will be


Feb 9

Meredith Gore
Associate Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland

Inter- and anti-disciplinary thinking about harmful human-environment relationships and conservation crime


Feb 16

Taylor Hermes
Assistant Professor of Environmental Archaeology, University of Arkansas

Emergence and Evolution of Pastoralism in Central Asia

Use this link:



Feb 23

Vera Smirnova
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Political Science, Kansas State University

Territorial regimes and spatial forms of Russian de- and re-colonization


Mar 1

Ryan Strickland
PhD Candidate, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas

Controls on the development of hummocky topography on debris-covered glaciers


Mar 8



Mar 15

Lars Kutzbach
Professor, Universität Hamburg, Germany

Seasonal increase of methane emissions linked to warming in Siberian tundra


Mar 29



Apr 5

Christopher Liner
Associate Dean, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas

Energy Transition - Geothermal Power


Apr 12

Mike Williams
Professor, Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst

The Rise and Fall of Mountains: How fast? How high? How long?


Apr 19

Jason Davis
Assistant Professor, Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas

Precision Agriculture - A look at remote sensing, machine learning, and GIS from an agriculture perspective


Apr 26



Aug 25

John Samuelsen, Arkansas Archeological Survey
A Native American Skull-and-Mandible Cemetery: Using Biological and Geological Isotopic Systems to Evaluate Human and Animal Geographic Origins

Sept 8 Anastasia Piliouras, Penn State University, Dept. of Geosciences
Unique characteristics of high-latitude deltas as coastal conduits for land-ocean fluxes
Sept 15

Shannon Speir
Climate Impacts on Water Quality: A perspective from agricultural, intermittent, and Arctic streams

Sept 22 GeoForum - In Their Shoes

Sept 29

Pop-Up Talks

Oct 6

GeoForum - Aisha Kenner
Director of Title IX Compliance

Oct 13

Becca Muenich
Under the radar – Accounting for large scale animal agriculture to address nutrient pollution

Oct 20

Sagy Cohen
Riverine Research Across Scales: From Flood Predictions to Global Scale Sediment Modeling

Topic: Geosciences Colloquium 10/20
Time: Oct 20, 2023 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 8427 2636
Passcode: G30sc1!!

Oct 27

Sam Zipper
Agrohydrology in the Anthropocene: Irrigation impacts on the stream, aquifer, and atmosphere

Nov 3

Marina Suarez
Timing and Qualtification of Terrestrial Climate Variability in the Late Early Cretaceous

Nov 10

Emily Finzel
From A(patite) to Z(ircon): advancing modern provenance analysis.

Nov 17

Chelsea Amaral
Ongoing USGS efforts and geophysical applications to map critical mineral systems in the United States southern Midcontinent with examples from Magnet Cove

Dec 1

Meredith DeBoom
Scaling Decarbonization: The Distributive Geographies of Low-Carbon Energy Transitions in Namibia


Jan 20

Semester Start Meet and Greet

Jan 27

Cadi Fung, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences

Conflict and conservation in the Central Brazilian Amazon: Fishing, tourism, and the Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)

Feb 3

Matt Covington, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences

Following the thread and spinning a web: A story of studying erosion processes in caves and canyons


Feb 10

Emily Frazier, Missouri State University, Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning

An Unsettled Welcome? Resettling Refugee Newcomers in the U.S. Heartland

Feb 17

Erika Marin-Spiota, University of Wisconsin, Department of Geography

Transforming workplace climate in the geosciences [Remote]

Feb 24

Vanessa McKuin, Historic Canehill

Historic Cane Hill: Preserving and Reviving an Ozarks Community

Mar 3

Shane Matson, Jericho Energy Ventures

Helium Potential of the Osage Uplift (Cherokee Platform) in NE Oklahoma:  Observations from drilling and production testing of the Wah Zha Zhi #1, the deepest modern basement test, and look at a potential helium resource on the Ozark Uplift

Mar 10

Arya Basu, University of Arkansas Little Rock, Department of Computer Science

Navigating a maze differently - a dissection of human spatial decision making in Immersive Virtual Reality

Mar 17

Alicia Wilson, University of South Carolina, School of Earth, Ocean & Environment

Please check your assumptions at the coastline: 15 years of wading through salt marshes [Darcy Lecture Series]

Mar 31

Heather Bedle, University of Oklahoma, School of Geosciences

Title TBD

Apr 7

Alan Mantooth, University of Arkansas, Department of Electrical Engineering

Title TBD [Storm Lecture]

Apr 14


Title TBD [Remote]

Apr 21

Cassandra Howe, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences

Title TBD

Apr 28

Dan Coe, Washington Geological Survey

Title TBD


Aug 26

Semester Start Meet and Greet

Sept 2

Brad Peter, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Modifiable spatiotemporal unit problems in remote sensing of agriculture

Sept 9

Abe Springer, Northern Arizona University, School of Earth and Sustainability
The Stories Told by Springs

Sept 16

Michelle L. Pribbernow, University of Arkansas, Career Services
Dig into your future: map your path from student to professional

Sept 23

John Shaw, University of Arkansas, Department of Geoscience
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Stability of Simple Loops

Sept 30

Town Hall Meeting

Oct 7

Orrin Thomas, Senior Research Photogrammetrist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Automatic Global Two-Meter Digital Surface Model Generation
Math Models for General Camera Calibration

Oct 14

LaToya Eaves, University of Tennessee, Department of Geography & Sustainability
“Urgent Care”: Revisioning Power and Place through Black Museums

Oct 21

Abigail Neely, Dartmouth College, Department of Geography
Reimagining Social Medicine

Oct 27

Rebecca Lave, Indiana University, Department of Geography
SWAAG Keynote; at Fayetteville Public Library
Critical physical geography in practice: Our depth perception improves when we combine biophysical and social lenses 

Oct 28

Angie Maxwell, University of Arkansas, Department of Political Science
SWAAG Keynote; at Fayetteville Public Library

Nov 4

Ben Cardenas, Penn State, Department of Geosciences

Nov 11

Tom Paradise, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Quartz: Geology, History & Legend

Nov 18

Chris Cathcart, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences

Dec 2

End of Semester Pop-Up Talks


Talk Flyers can be found on our Instagram account:


Jan 21

Town Hall Meeting

Jan 28

Kamini Singha, Earth and Society Programs, Colorado School of Mines
A tale of two porosities: exploring why contaminant transport doesn’t always behave the way it should 

Feb 4

Cancelled due to weather concerns

Feb 11

Gregory Dumond, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Space, Time, and Earth’s Continents: The Grand Canyon Perspective

Feb 18


Feb 25

Xiao Huang, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Human Behavioral Dynamics during the COVID-19 Pandemic via Big Geospatial Data

Mar 4

Adam Forte, LSU, Department of Geology & Geophysics
Building a Young Mountain Range: Insights into the Growth and Maintenance of the Topography of Collisional Orogens from the Greater Caucasus Mountains

Mar 11

Ben Runkle, University of Arkansas, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Climate-smart sustainability solutions for the rice agro-ecosystem

Mar 18

Kathy Knierim, USGS
Machine-learning predictions of groundwater quality in the Mississippi embayment

Apr 1

Asmert Asafew Berhe, University of California Merced, Life & Environmental Sciences Department
Role of soil erosion on terrestrial carbon sequestration

Apr 8

Edith Wilson, Rock Whisperer LLC, First  Innagural Storm Chair Lecture on Energy & Society
Welcome to the Energy Revolution: Efficiency, Economy and Equity

Apr 15

Carl Smith, University of Arkansas, Fay Jones School of Architecture
Understanding Places Through Drawing

Apr 22

Charlie Shobe, West Virginia University, Department of Geology & Geography
Into the abyss: Passive margin stratigraphy reveals seascape evolution processes

Apr 29

Roger Cain, United Keetoowah Band (Cherokee) Office of Historic Preservation and Environmental Services
The Potential and Politics of River Cane in the 21st Century


Aug 27 Semester Start Meet and Greet
Sept 3 Hannah Diettrich, Alaska Volcano Observatory, USGS
Cloudy with a chance of lava flows: forecasting lava flow dynamics at Kīlauea Volcano with remote sensing
Sept 10 Anita Marshall, University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences
Inclusion and diversity in Geoscience Education and in the Field
 Sept 17 John Van Brahana, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
A summary of decades of study at Savoy Experimental Research Station -karst hydrogeology and land use
Sept 24 Christopher Liner and Celina Suarez, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
2nd Annual Geosciences Climate Survey
Oct 1 Sara Rollet Gosman, University of Arkansas School of Law
Energy and risk regulation & environmental justice
Oct 8 Vincent Cevrier, University of Arkansas, Space and Planetary Sciences
Formation, dynamics and habitability of liquid brines on present-day Mars
Oct 15 Eric R. Anderson, SERVIR - NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Getting ahead of disaster impacts: the role of Earth observations and capacity builders in anticipatory action
Oct 21
Miguel O. Román, USRA Earth from Space Institute
Note: This talk is not included in the recordings.
Oct 22 Siyao Ma, University of Arkansas, Environmental Dynamics
Global climate resources for camping and nature-based tourism
Oct 29 Will Struble, University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences
Tectonic geomorphology, wavelet analysis, landscape evolution
Nov 5 Celina Suarez, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Record of Continental Climatic Change at the End Triassic Extinction in Western Pangea
Nov 12 Gerilyn Soreghan, University of Oklahoma, School of Geosciences
Using scientific drilling to test the controversial hypothesis of glaciation in late Paleozoic equatorial Pangaea
Nov 19 Fiona Davidson, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Geopolitics in the 23rd Century: Or why Star Trek isn’t as progressive as everyone seems to think it is
Dec 3 End of Semester Pop-Up Talks
  For those in town, please join us for a social hour immediately following colloquium in the Gearhart Courtyard, with rain events well-spaced in the hallway near GEAR 026. Snacks and beverages provided along with the opportunity to meet and greet Geoscience friends and talk science.
January 15 Lisa White, University of California at Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology
No Time for Silence-A Call to Action
January 22 Anton Seimon, Appalachian State University / Bard College, Center for Environmental Policy
Storm-scale Variations of Water Isotopes in the Tropical High Andes: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions
(Microsoft Teams Join Link)
January 29 Liz Kimbrough,
Alternatives to Academia: What Else Can I Do with a Science Degree? (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
February 5 Melissa Sims, John Hopkins University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Simulating Meteor Impacts in the Diamond Anvil Cell (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
February 12 Reese Brewer, Frontier Metropolitan Planning Organization
GIS & Transportation Planning: A Cornerstone to Infrastructure Investment Decisions (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
February 19 Douglas Benevento, Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Policy Careers 
February 26 George Sabo III, Arkansas Archeological Survey / University of Arkansas, Department of Anthropology
Field Research with Indigenous Communities: How I learned to Hunt, Drum and Sing (after a fashion) 
(Microsoft Teams Join Link)
March 5 Becky W. Keogh, Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment
Where Science Meets Policy  (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
March 12 Julia Wellner, University of Houston
Waxing and Waning of an Ice Sheet: Records from the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
March 19 Ian Miller, Denver Museum of Nature and Science
The 21st Century Museum--A Cornerstone of Our Society (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
April 9 Angela Chandler, Arkansas Geological Survey
The Arkansas Geological Survey: A Summary of Mapping Projects and Opportunities for Students (Teams Join Link)
April 16 Joshua Blackstock, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Climate Change and groundwater use change in the 21st century and impacts on groundwater-surface water exchange in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
April 23 Kelly Sanks, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Coastal Marshes on Deltaic Surface Processes and their Role in Coastal Sustainability (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
August 28 Romona West, University of Arkansas, Fulbright College
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the U of A
September 4 Christopher Liner & Fiona Davidson, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Geosciences Climate Survey (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
September 11 Jonathan Martin, University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences
Reversing Springs: Impacts on Carbonate Aquifers (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
 September 18 David Lyon, Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Defense Fund Permian Basin Methane Analysis Project (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
September 25 Jane Willenbring, Stanford University
Q&A with Jane Willenbring, one of the scientists portrayed in the movie "Picture a Scientist" (M. Teams Join Link)
October 2 Michael Goodchild, University of California - Santa Barbara, Emeritus
Convergent GIScience (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
October 9 Bryon Winston, AECOM, Environmental Scientist
Environmental Remediation and How to Prepare for Employment Opportunities (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
October 16 Anne-Marie Nunez, Ohio State University
Equity in Geosciences (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
October 23 Martha Kopper, Arkansas Geological Survey
Geohazards in Arkansas (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
October 30 Alessandra Giannini, Columbia University, International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Senior Research Scientist
Late 20th Century Sahel drought: an obvious candidate for attribution?  (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
November 6 Rickey Booker, IDEALS Institute
Book Discussion: "How to be an Anti-Racist"  (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
November 13 Amelia Villasenor, University of Arkansas, Department of Anthropology
The Missing Piece: Ecological Consequences of the Late Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinction   (Teams Join Link)
November 20 Erik PollockUniversity of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Stable Isotopes and Inorganic Analysis in the Geosciences   (Microsoft Teams Join Link)
December 4 End of Semester - Online Social
January 17 Kaiyu Guan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Monitoring and Modeling every Farmland's Crop Productivity, Risk and Sustainability for the US Corn Belt
January 24 Steve Boss, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Conquest of the Wilderness and Historic Origins of 'Geology Culture' in the United States
January 31 Katia De Avila Fernandes, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Applied Climate and GIScience Research
March 6 Christopher L. Andronicos, Purdue University, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Natural Quasicrystals from the Khatryka Meteorite: An Adventure in symmetry, Field Geology, and Space Rocks
March 13 Don C. Bragg, USDA Forest Service, Project Leader and Research Forester 
Witness the Decline of Shortleaf Pine
 April 17
Jason TullisUniversity of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Replicability and Reproducibility in GIScience and Its Critical Applications
August 30 Department Introductions
September 6 NABG Poster Session
September 13 >Ian Howard, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Using Tree Rings to Reconstruct Single Day Precipitation Events
September 20 Dave Stahle, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Ancient Forests Conservation in the Old South
September 27 Brent Boyd, Anadarko, Project Advancement, Senior Geophysical Advisor
It's Easy to Find Oil (It's Just Hard to Make Money at It)
October 4 Timothy Eichler, University of Arkansas, Department of Education, Visiting Professor
The Potential Impacts of Global Warming on Mid-latitude Cyclones
October 11 Christopher Liner, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
A Tour of Machine Learning
October 18 Fall Break - no colloquium
October 25  TBA
November 1  TBA
November 8 Jasquelin Peña, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics
November 11 Chad NeiplingSr. Manager of Location Intelligence at JB Hunt
November 14 GEOS Chili Cook-Off at 6:00 pm at Sunrise Stage, 2781 N. College Avenue, Fayetteville
November 15 8:00 am - GEOS External Advisory Board Meeting
November 16 GeoHog Research Conference
November 22 TBA
December 6 Ken Kvamme, University of Arkansas, Department of Anthropology
August 30 Department Introductions
September 6 NABG Poster Session
September 13 Ian Howard, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Using Tree Rings to Reconstruct Single Day Precipitation Events
September 20 Dave Stahle, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Ancient Forests Conservation in the Old South
September 27 Brent Boyd, Anadarko, Project Advancement, Senior Geophysical Advisor
It's Easy to Find Oil (It's Just Hard to Make Money at It)
October 4 Timothy Eichler, University of Arkansas, Department of Education, Visiting Professor
The Potential Impacts of Global Warming on Mid-latitude Cyclones
October 11 Christopher Liner, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
A Tour of Machine Learning
October 18 Fall Break - no colloquium
October 25  TBA
November 1  TBA
November 8 Jasquelin Peña, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics
November 11 Chad NeiplingSr. Manager of Location Intelligence at JB Hunt
November 14 GEOS Chili Cook-Off at 6:00 pm at Sunrise Stage, 2781 N. College Avenue, Fayetteville
November 15 8:00 am - GEOS External Advisory Board Meeting
November 16 GeoHog Research Conference
November 22 TBA
December 6 Ken Kvamme, University of Arkansas, Department of Anthropology
August 30 Department Introductions
September 6 NABG Poster Session
September 13 Ian Howard, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Using Tree Rings to Reconstruct Single Day Precipitation Events
September 20 Dave Stahle, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Ancient Forests Conservation in the Old South
September 27 Brent Boyd, Anadarko, Project Advancement, Senior Geophysical Advisor
It's Easy to Find Oil (It's Just Hard to Make Money at It)
October 4 Timothy Eichler, University of Arkansas, Department of Education, Visiting Professor
The Potential Impacts of Global Warming on Mid-latitude Cyclones
October 11 Christopher Liner, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
A Tour of Machine Learning
October 18 Fall Break - no colloquium
October 25  TBA
November 1  TBA
November 8 Jasquelin Peña, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics
November 11 Chad NeiplingSr. Manager of Location Intelligence at JB Hunt
November 14 GEOS Chili Cook-Off at 6:00 pm at Sunrise Stage, 2781 N. College Avenue, Fayetteville
November 15 8:00 am - GEOS External Advisory Board Meeting
November 16 GeoHog Research Conference
November 22 TBA
December 6 Ken Kvamme, University of Arkansas, Department of Anthropology
August 30 Department Introductions
September 6 NABG Poster Session
September 13 Ian Howard, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Using Tree Rings to Reconstruct Single Day Precipitation Events
September 20 Dave Stahle, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
Ancient Forests Conservation in the Old South
September 27 Brent Boyd, Anadarko, Project Advancement, Senior Geophysical Advisor
It's Easy to Find Oil (It's Just Hard to Make Money at It)
October 4 Timothy Eichler, University of Arkansas, Department of Education, Visiting Professor
The Potential Impacts of Global Warming on Mid-latitude Cyclones
October 11 Christopher Liner, University of Arkansas, Department of Geosciences
A Tour of Machine Learning
October 18 Fall Break - no colloquium
October 25  TBA
November 1  TBA
November 8 Jasquelin Peña, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics
November 11 Chad NeiplingSr. Manager of Location Intelligence at JB Hunt
November 14 GEOS Chili Cook-Off at 6:00 pm at Sunrise Stage, 2781 N. College Avenue, Fayetteville
November 15 8:00 am - GEOS External Advisory Board Meeting
November 16 GeoHog Research Conference
November 22 TBA
December 6 Ken Kvamme, University of Arkansas, Department of Anthropology
August 25 Back-To-School Picnic
September 8
Edith Wilson, Rock Whisperer LLC
Transformation:  From Fossil Fuels to the Future
September 15
Glenn Sharman, University of Arkansas
Rivers of Sand:  Sea Level Control on Sediment Dispersal and Providence Since the Last Glacial Maximum, Southern California, USA
September 22
Grant Byerley,  Apache Corporation
Resaturated Pay:  A New Infill Target Type Identified through the Application and Continuous Improvement of 4D Seismic at the  Forties Field
September 29
Tom Paradise, University of Arkansas
The Science and Analysis of Rock Art Decay in Wadi Rum, Jordan
October 6
Elizabeth Lyon, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
Geospatial Intelligence:  Yesterday, Today and Looking Forward
October 20
Robert Mahon, University of Arkansas, Post Doc for John Shaw
Qualifying Controls on Stratal  Geometries in Clastic Sedimentary Systems
October 21
Mac McGilvery, University of Arkansas,
Short Course:  Petroleum Prospecting (8:30-4:30, GEAR 105)
October 22
Jamie Woolsey & Steve Milligan, University of Arkansas,
Short Course:  Petra & Kingdom Fundamentals (10:30-3:30, GEAR 113)
October 27
Jesse Edmondson, Alabama Graphite Inc.,
Sourced in USA: Battery-Ready Graphite
October 28
Jamie Woolsey & Steve Milligan, University of Arkansas
Short Course:  Log Analysis & Seismic Interpretation (8:30-3:30, GEAR 113)
November 3
Claire McLeod, Miami University of Ohio
Probing the Depths of Continental Arc Magmatism: Insights from Minor Volcanism in the Back Arc of the Bolivian Andes
November 10
Michael DeAngelis, University of Arkansas Little Rock
Using Analog Experiments to Study Hard-to-Reach Places
November 11 UARC - Alumni Gathering - 8:30 am,  Saturday in Gearhart Hall
November 17 Matt Covington, University of Arkansas,
Summer on ice: Understanding the impact of increasing meltwater on the motion of the Greenland Ice Sheet
December 1 Barry Shaulis, University of Arkansas,
Investigating early lunar evolution through U-Pb chronology of Lunar Meteorites
December 8 Fall Banquet
January 20
Glenn Sharman, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, Austin - The Grand Inverse Problem of Sedimentary Geology:  Elucidating External Controls on the Evolution of Landscapes and Sediment Dispersal Systems
January 23 (Monday)
Jill Marshall, Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley & The Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research University of Colorado, Boulder -  Disentangling the Geomorphic Legacy of Glacial Intervals Across Unglaciated North America
January 27
Raleigh Martin, University of California, Los Angeles - The Sand Grain's View:  Understanding Geomorphic Variability Through the  Physical Processes that Move Sediment
January 30 (Monday)
Lizzy Trower, Agouron Geobiology Post Doctoral Fellow, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology - Sediment Transport in Carbonate Environments:  A Case Study of How Abrasion Controls Ooid Growth
February 3
Martin Golding, Geological Survey of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow - From Conodonts to Collisions:  What Microfossils Tell Us About the Formation of the Canadian Cordillera
February 6 (Monday)
Amanda Keen-Zebert, Associate Director and Director of E.L. Cod Luminescence Lab, Desert Research Institute - Lithology Matters!  How Rock Type Affects Fluvial Landscapes in Tectonically Stable Catchments
February 17
Tingjun Zhang, Lanzhou University, China - Global Warming and Permafrost Degradation:  Interactions and Feedbacks
February 24
Jianhui Chen, MOE Key Laboratory of West China's Environmental System of Lanzhou University, visiting the Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas - Decadal to Centennial Scale Hydroclimatic Variations Reconstructed by Fossil Midges:  Case Studies in China
March 3
Amelia Villaseñor, Center for Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobiology, George Washington University - Integrating Stable Isotope Ecology and Mammal Community Diversity in Pliocene East Africa:  Implications for Early Hominin Evolution
March 10 Dr. Stephen Boss, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas - Energy Yield of Global Fisheries and Aquaculture, 1950-2014
March 31
George Winter, University of Arkansas Career Development Center, Interview Success:  Tips and Practice
April 7
Lee Frelich, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, Disturbance and Succession in the Boreal Forest: 400 Years of Fire and Wind in Northern Minnesota
April 14
Song Feng, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, "Winter"  Is it losing its cool?
April 21
Jason Tullis, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, Opportunities in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and GIS Workflows
April 28
Chris Jackson, Department of Earth Science and Engineering Imperial College London, Thomson International Lecturer, GSA - How do normal faults grow, and why does it matter?
May 4
GEOS Awards Banquet
August 26
GEOS Department Introductions
September 2
Mohamed Aly, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, Future Volcanic Eruptions at Yellowstone
September 9
Amanda Keen-Zebert, Desert Research Institute, Nevada, Old as Dirt?  Or Old as the Hills?  New Findings on the Quaternary History of the Buffalo National River
September 16
Mac McGilvery, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, The North Slope Alaska:   What Does it Have in Common with the Ozark-Arkoma-Ouachita Region of Arkansas?
September 23
Dave Stahle, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, The Mexican Drought Atlas: Tree-Ring Reconstructions of the Soil Moisture Balance during the Late Pre-Hispanic, Colonial, and Modern Eras
September 30
Fiona Davidson, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, Brexit 2016:  Immigration, Nativism, and the End of Britain? 
October 7 Margaret Guccione, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas 
October 14 Fall Break- no colloquium
October 21 Ben Runkle, Biological Engineering,  University of Arkansas, How Well Can Climate-Smart Irrigation Strategies Reduce Methane Emissions From Rice Fields?
October 28
Aaron Shew, Environmental Dynamics, University of Arkansas, A Geospatial, Socio-Environmental Model for Improved Agricultural Production in Coastal Bangladesh
Bradley Wilson, Geosciences, University of Arkansas, Fleeing to fault zones: Incorporating Syrian Refugees into Earthquake Risk Studies Along the East Anatolian and Dead Sea Rift Fault Zones
November 4 Kenny Schlag, KS Consulting, Aspects of the Geologist's Role in the Environmental Industry 
November 11 Daigo Yamamura, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, The Late Cretaceous Graveyard:  Paleontological Record and the Rocky Mountains Building in North America 
November 18  Greg Dumond, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, What if Sabine Parish, Louisiana Met Fayetteville, Arkansas? Insights from a One Billion Year Old “Tectonic Yoyo” in Saskatchewan
December 2 Lindell C. Bridges, Pure Earth Resources, Inc., The Appalachia - Shale Capital of the World
Thursday, Dec. 8 GEOS Banquet
January 22, 2016
Ian Howard, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas
Hydroclimate Variability of Seasonal Moisture Regimes Over the Great Plains 
Max Torbenson, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas
Drought response of the North American tree-ring network and its application
to summer moisture reconstruction in the south-central United States
January 29, 2016
Evan Thaler - Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas
Evolution of the Arkansas Ozarks: Using DEM analysis and landscape
evolution models to unravel the secret of the Ozark's longevity
February. 1, 2016
February 5, 2016 TBA
MONDAY, February 8, 2016 TBA
February 19, 2016
Beth McMillan - UALR
On the Shoulders of Giants:  Sub-Summit Erosion Surfaces in the Rocky Mountains
February 26, 2016
Theo Witsell – Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission
The art and science of effective conservation:  an overview of the Arkansas
Natural Heritage Commission's work to preserve the state's biological diversity
March 4, 2016
Rich Cifelli - Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology, OK Museum of Natural History, Samuel Roberts Noble Presidential Professor, Department of Biology
Early Mammals from the Cretaceous of Montana
March 11, 2016
Brian Haggard - Director, Arkansas Water Resources Center, University of Arkansas
The Convergence of Science and Policy in the Illinois River Controversy
April 1, 2016
Mark Hudson - Research Geologist, USGS, Denver, CO
Geologic mapping as a research seed:  Examples from the Buffalo National River Region, Northern Arkansas
April 8, 2016
Ron Gird - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Education and Career Opportunities at the NOAA – National Weather Service
April 15, 2016
Richard Seager - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
North American Hydroclimate over the Past Millennium and Near Term Future
April 22, 2016
University of Arkansas Geography Graduate Students
Quinn Montana - Global Agricultural Output in Calories, 1961-2012
Steven Meizler - Baha'i Sacred Architecture and the Devolution of Astronomical Significance:  Case Studies from Israel and the US
Wes Murch - Lidar-Assisted Extraction of Old Growth Baldcypress Stands Along the Black River of North Carolina
April 29, 2016
Ryan Ewing and Elizabeth Rampe - Texas A & M and NASA Johnson Space Center
A History of Water on Mars:  Results from the Curiosity Rover
May 5, 2016 GEOS Spring Awards Banquet
September 18
Molecular Food Safety Microbiology
University of Arkansas
August 28
NSF Earth Sciences Postdoc
Texas A&M University
Columbia University
September 25
University of Arkansas
Department of Geosciences
October 2
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Memphis
October 9
Environmental Dynamics Program
University of Arkansas
October 23
Craig Allen
Jemez Mountains Field State Research Ecologist
November 6
Yarri Davis
Vitruvian Exploration II
November 7  
UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS RESEARCH CONFERENCE, hosted by the Department of Geosciences in Ozark Hall from 9:30 am until 5:15 pm.  Reservation required for lunch and barbecue.
November 13
Director and State Geologist Arkansas State Geological Survey
November 20
University of Arkansas
December 4
William Retcheside

and Jason Dodd
University of Arkansas Little Rock

January 16
Dr. Celina Suarez, University of Arkansas -  How to Make Effective PowerPoint and Poster Presentations
January 23
Mr. Peter Carragher, Rose and Associates - What Were They Thinking?
January 30
Dr. Katia Fernandes, Columbia University - Incorporating Climate Variability and Change into Fire Potential Assessments in Western Amazon
February 6
February 13
February 20
Dr. Fred Paillet, University of Arkansas - The Whole Nine Yards - Teaching all aspects of well hydraulics and borehole geophysics to professional hydrologists in India
February 27
Dr. Jami J. Lockhart, Arkansas Archeological Survey - Geoarchaeology and the Interdisciplinary Study of Cultural Landscapes
March 6
Mr. Bill Sharp, Noble Energy Inc. - High Resolution CT Scans: More than an image
March 13
Dr. Margaret Guccione, University of Arkansas - Impact of the Mississippi, Missouri, and Red Rivers' Alluvial Style on the Geoarcheology of these Unique River Valleys
April 3
Elvis Bello - University of Arkansas graduate student - The Geologic Beauties of Big Bend and Carlsbad Cavern
April 10
Neil Pederson of Harvard Forest and Park Williams of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University - Sitting on the Edge:  Tree-Ring Evidence of Abrupt Historical and Future Change in the US
April 17
Jordan N. Burns, MA Geography Student - Mapping Ancient Baldcypress Forests for Conservation at Black River, North Carolina
Ian M. Howard, PhD Geosciences Student - Reconstructing Nutrient Cycling in a Mixed Coniferous Forest of the Northern US Using Stable Nitrogen Isotopes
April 24
Joe Myre, UA Post-Doc Geosciences -
April 30
August 29
Introduction to Faculty and Students followed by Back-to-School Picnic
September 5
Daniel Wagner, USGS -Trends in Precipitation, Streamflow, Reservoir Pool Elevations, and Reservoir Releases in Arkansas and Selected Sites in Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma, 1951-2011
September 12
Dave Stahle, University of Arkansas faculty - Amazonian tree-ring chronologies for climate and streamflow reconstruction
September 19
Max Torbenson, University of Arkansas, GEOS PhD candidate - Broken time - Asychrony between Holocene chronologies?
September 26
Walt Manger, University of Arkansas, The Grand Canyon - Forty Years Enjoying its Geology and Wondering About its Origin
October 3
GEOS Advisory Board meeting, 8:00-3:00 pm
Daniel Allen, Core Lab, Unconventional Analyses for Unconventional Rocks: Core Analysis
October 4
The University of Arkansas Research Conference (UARC) in Ozark Hall
October 10
Matt Covington, University of Arkansas, Unraveling the incision processes in soluble bedrock channels
October 24
Amelia Shevenell, IODP Lecturer, University South Florida and UCL, The southern ocean reveals its climate secrets: paleotemperatures from Antarctic margin marine sediments
October 31
Katherine Knierim, University of Arkansas, General Geology at the University of Arkansas: What We Are Doing, What Works, and What Challenges
November 7
David Rodgers, Idaho State University, Hot Spots, Weak Rocks and Dense Gabbro - Crustal Deformation in the Wake of the Yellowstone Hotspot
November 14
Kim Smith, University of Arkansas, Biological Sciences, Early Natural History Observations in Arkansas 1805-1845, with special reference to Friedrich Gerstacker
November 17
4:10 pm
Jennifer Pharr-Davis, National Geographic Speaker - The Emotional Conservationist (This will be held in Bell 2282 instead of Ozark Hall)
November 21
Phil Hays, USGS, University of Arkansas, Geosciences - Hydrogeology and water quality of the hot springs of Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas
December 5
Daigo Yamamura, PhD Candidate in Geosciences, University of Arkansas - The Story Sandstone Tells you: From Fossilization to Jurassic Park
Todd Knobbe, MS Candidate in Geosciences, University of Arkansas - Impacts of the Central Atlantic Magnetic Province on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
Thursday, December 11
GEOS Chili Cook Off